COPs Tests
Each year, students at BVT participate in the Certificate of Occupational Proficiency (C.O.P.) and Vocational Technical Competency Tracking System (VTCTS). As part of BVT’s COPS testing, various written and practical assessments will test our student’s knowledge and abilities in the principles of design, basic layout techniques, Web development, vector art, raster techniques, photography, video, as well as, proper file management and outsourcing techniques.
C.O.P. Overview from The Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education.
The Education Reform Act established the Certificate of Occupational Proficiency. The certificate of occupational proficiency shall be awarded to students who successfully complete a comprehensive education and training program in a particular trade or professional skill area and shall reflect a determination that the recipient has demonstrated mastery of a core of skills, competencies and knowledge comparable to that possessed by students of equivalent age entering the particular trade or profession from the most educationally advanced education systems in the world. For more information go to The Massachusetts Department of Elementary & Secondary Education.
Final Tests - Practicals
Our practical tests are a model of the COPs tests, Adobe ACA testing, and Skills USA practical assessments.
Final Tests - Written
Our written tests are also based of the COPs tests, Adobe ACA Certification, and Skills USA written assessments. Final written tests are only available via Moodle and GMetrix. There are numerous study guides available on Moodle for both our COPs and final tests. For futher information, please visit our Study Guides' page. Students will have access to all of our Moodle courses. Parents may also request guest access to all of our Moodle courses.
Blackstone Valley Regional Vocational Technical High School, 65 Pleasant Street, Upton, Massachusetts.